Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pleasing to the Eye

Yesterday,  I met up with my friend, Nichole.  We have known each other since we were seven and eight.  We spent the afternoon in Southlake Town Square, eating, shopping, and catching up.  I took a few pictures of the little popcorn and candy shop where we picked up some gourmet popcorn.  I got dill pickle flavor, a spicy jalapeno ranch, and some fruity popcorn for the kids.  Nichole got an oreo flavor and another sweet kind I can't remember. 

The shop is called Le Popcorn, and the window displays were very inviting.  I admit, I love candy stores.  I can't resist them.  Nichole shares my affinity for sweets, and so we were both hooked. 

Apparently, we are all created to be drawn to that which is pleasing to the eye.  In Genesis 2:9, Scripture says that "And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground--trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food."  From the beginning, God made the food that would nourish and sustain us to be pleasing to the eye.  Perhaps candy is not our sustenance, but it certainly is nice to look at.  In the same way that fruit trees and sweet things please our senses, may our countenance, words, and behavior be pleasing to those around us.  Most especially, may they be pleasing to the Lord!

On this New Year's Eve, as we look to the year ahead and make plans, consider resolving to be pleasing--in our countenance, our words, and in our actions.

Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Meditations on the Bylaws Part II

It might come as a surprise to most people at church, I reckon, that I did not want to serve on the Bylaws Team initially.  What may be an even bigger surprise is that I was not even in the business meeting when the motion was made to form the team.  My husband relayed to me the news that a team had been formed to review the church's current Bylaws and that volunteers were being sought for the team.  Being busy already, I resisted God's gentle urging to put my name forward.  After a week or two, I could no longer resist the now constant urging and called the church office to submit my name.  I am pretty certain that I was one of the last ones on the list, if not the very last one.  I am sure that God had His reasons for wanting me to serve on the team, but all I could really be concerned with was obedience to Him.

After the church voted for the members of the team, one of the newly installed team members suggested that we come to our first meeting with a statement about what we hoped to accomplish on the Bylaws Team.  For me, there were things that I knew we needed to do as a church, and so I expressed my goals and my beliefs with regard to work on the Constitution and Bylaws.  The first concept that weighed heavily on me was covenant.  I had been spending a good deal of time studying the covenant that God made with the Israelites at Mt. Sinai found in Exodus 19:
     "Then Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain and said, "This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:  'You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.  Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.  Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.'  These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites."  Exodus 19:3-6

I came to the first meeting and declared to the rest of the team that I strongly believed that we had an opportunity to return to the type of covenant declared at Mt. Sinai.  We could declare, like the children of Israel that "We will do everything that the Lord has said (Exodus 19:8)".  Our present church documents are very businesslike, but we could have a document that declares our allegiance to God and declares our return to His precepts. 

Years before, I had read the book Our Covenant God by Kay Arthur.  Ms. Arthur writes that "Everything God does is based on His covenant."  The key to understanding the nature of God is understanding covenant, for God is a Covenant God; a God who is loyal and faithful and true.  Reading this book was a major turning point for me spiritually.  The book looks at the covenants of God as recorded throughout the Bible.  Foundationally, I gained a greater understanding of how God blesses us through His covenants.  Armed with this knowledge, I was convicted that our Constitution should reflect our church's desire to be a faithful people of God. 

James, our team leader brought to us a Bible study from the organization 9 marks (  For a little over nine weeks, we went through the study.  We examined nine characteristics--or marks--of healthy and holy churches.  Within the chapter on "A Biblical Understanding of Membership", I was struck by this statement:  "...membership in a church is that church's corporate testimony to the individual member's salvation."  I had never thought of membership in the church in this way.  My testimony--or lack of one--reflects on the local Body of Christ that I have identified myself as a member of.  In the times in which we live, as ever, we must be thoughtful about our church membership.  We live in times in which people regularly betray and abandon their commitments.  Unfortunately, church members are no different than the rest of the world.  Generally, Christians divorce at nearly the same rate that non-Christians do.  This is problematic for a people who claim to follow God, who declares that He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).  Just as in many churches, our church had experienced the sting of conflict and dissension.  We had also seen members come and go.  We examined how to go about repairing our church's view of membership, and we came to the conclusion that a membership covenant would help.  The 9 Marks study, as well as the book Church Structure That Works by Bill Blanchard had membership covenant examples.  Presently, our church has a membership covenant, though it has not been necessary to affirm it.  Additionally, it has not been necessary to take membership classes prior to becoming a member of the church.

The team has had an agreement that no recommendation will be brought before the church without 100% consensus.  This has meant that much debate occurs behind closed doors on many, if not most, issues that we bring forward.  It is a slow process, to be sure.  However, we have felt that if we are not in complete agreement on an issue, than we must not have discerned the will of God.  With prayer and lots of Bible study, we came to the agreement that a membership covenant would be a useful tool to help restore a Biblical understanding of church membership.  In my mind, I thought that this would be not be an offense to anyone since we already have a membership covenant, and because the covenant affirms what people who have been longtime members already know and practice. 

Much to my surprise and dismay, the idea of having members sign a membership covenant before joining the church met with a small, but very vocal and passionate outcry.  The key objection to longtime members has been that if they have already been members for a long time, then they should not have to sign.  To me, it was always a no-brainer:  I intend to demonstrate my commitment not just to the church, but to God, and so I will sign.  Of course, I have been a committed member for over 11 years now.  I do not intend to leave the church, nor do I intend to disobey that which the Lord has revealed as His will.  As a women's ministry leader, I would like to demonstrate my commitment to the women of the church, as well.  In the ministry work that I do, I find that I often minister to hurting women.  Women who have experienced the sting of abandonment and betrayal do not deserve a half-hearted commitment on the part of their leader. 

In my next post, I will discuss more about the concept of covenant.  I would like to dispel some of the myths about covenant that have been expressed to me privately and in the town hall meetings.  In the meantime, I hope that I have given you some insight into the process of how the proposed membership covenant came to be.  I also hope that you have found the links and materials intriguing, and that you might be interested in checking them out.

Until next time, may God's richest blessings flow over you,


Meditations on the Work of the Bylaws Team Part I: An Introduction

In August, 2008, I was part of a team elected by the church to review and suggest changes to our church's current Constitution and Bylaws.  Dubbed the "Bylaws Team", we began meeting the week after our election to begin work.  In the 16 months since the team began, we have worked hard and have recommended a new Constitution and are working on a new set of Bylaws.  In the summer of 2009, the church had the opportunity to see for the first time the Constitution that the team drafted.  The team received a fair amount of criticism, that we then took into consideration as we attempted to work towards a set of operating documents that honor God and help the church to function efficiently.

The team took the summer to work on editing the Constitution.  We believed that by September we would be able to present the completed Constitution to the church for a vote. This was not to be, as some of the membership expressed their desire to see the accompanying documents to the Constitution--the Bylaws--completed and presented along with it. 

In the meantime, I have had several people ask me for my opinion with regard to the work that we have done on the Bylaws Team.  There are those who have expressed the concern that I have not been vocal enough in the town hall meetings (I record the minutes in meetings), or that they would simply like to know my opinion.  It occurred to me today that I could use my blog to express my opinions regarding the work that we have done.  However, since this is a women's ministry blog, my goal will be to educate and to encourage with regard to the spiritual concepts that I have learned on this journey, rather than attempt to turn this blog into a Bylaws Team blog.

I hope that you find this informative, whether you are a longtime member to the church,  a newer member, or a member of another church.  It has certainly been an interesting process, and I continue to learn a great deal as we endeavor to complete the work set before us.

Blessings and peace,


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope that it was a blessed Christmas for all of you out there in blog land.  It was a great day for us, and I am pleased with how the day went.  We don't often get snow in North Texas, and we got quite a bit last night.  This made it difficult for travelling, and meant that my parents were unable to join us last night.  However, as is true for Texas weather in general, the weather changed.  Today was a sunny and cold day, and the roads were a bit safer.  My parents joined us for lunch, and I have to say that lunch went well; which is to say that I didn't have any major catastrophes.  I cook turkey so infrequently that I have to admit to being a bit hesitant about how it would taste when we sat down.  As we sat down to lunch today and gave thanks, I thought about how blessed our family is and I rejoiced quietly.  We were able to have a nice meal, give our children gifts, and were able to be together on Christmas Day.  God is good.

As I reflect on the day's events, one thing stands out to me especially:  My youngest, Lily, was standing in front of my mother, and she said, "Thank you for giving me the fairy doll, MiMi."  That made my heart so glad.  Before the children opened their gifts this morning, I hoped that they would be grateful and feared for just a moment that they would not.  As much as we have talked with the children about Christmas being about Jesus' birth, God's greatest gift of love, I wondered whether or not we had talked about being grateful.  As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:  "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  For one brief moment, I saw God's will being demonstrated in my daughter's life:  She was truly grateful for the gift that she had received.

I rejoice with all of you who share in the hope of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  I pray that I will never cease to give thanks for God's good gifts. 

May God's richest blessings flow over you,


Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Greetings From My House To Yours!

I have a lot of fun at Christmas.  I enjoy decorating the house with Christmas decorations and lights.  We try to plan fun things for the kids, like decorating Gingerbread houses and baking cookies.  With our oldest son wrestling this season, I have been decorating in fits and spurts. Since Christmas is just a few days away, and since we have family coming in, I have been kicking it into overdrive here at my home.  I thought that I might share a few photos of our Christmas decorations with you all.  I enjoy reading blogs that do a Christmas home tour, so here's my contribution.  Enjoy!

Welcome to our home!  Here's the view from the front sidewalk:

Here's the view from the front dining room window.  If you look closely, you can see the table decorations.

Here's a shot of the dining room.  I've done the tablescape with a Nutcracker theme.

This is a nice shot of my husband and two youngest children decorating their Gingerbread house.

Here is a shot of one of my older sons decorating their Gingerbread house.

I hope you've enjoyed this sneak peek into my home.  Merry Christmas!

Blessings and peace,


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Remaining In the Words of the Lord

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."  John 15:7

I am reading an excellent book entitled Truth and Transformation by Vishal Mangalwadi, a Christian lecturer, social reformer, author, and political columnist.  I have only read a few chapters, but I have learned so much already.  Coincidentally, our Bible study class discussed Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches in John 15:1-17 this morning.  We discussed remaining, or abiding, in Jesus' Words.  The original Greek word that is translated remain, has to do with the idea of standing with another, or remaining united with one in heart, mind, or will.  The passage in Mr. Mangalwadi's book that I read this afternoon gave me a new perspective on John 15.  Specifically, Mr. Mangalwadi sought to determine the differences in the West and its successes in the fields of technology and social reform as opposed to the East and its reliance on human work.

Mr. Mangalwadi's perspective as an Indian who is seeking to reform the poverty of his country enables him to view his culture without the romanticism that so often clouds the judgment of outsiders.  He uses the example in his book of the nation of Uganda, which has so much electric power that it sells its excess power to Kenya.  Still, the poor women of Uganda have to draw water in jugs which they carry on their heads back to their families.  Mr. Mangalwadi wondered why women in the west do not have to do such things.  How did the West determine to use their minds to solve their problems?

Simply put, the progress of Western civilization can be attributed to medieval Christian monasteries, which placed a premium on rational thought.  After all, the monks posited, since man is made in the image of God, he must be able to understand goodness and truth.  They developed complex theories and developed technologies to aid them in their work so that they could devote more time to study and reflection.  How this applies to John 15 concerns the Christian monks' determination to study the Words of Jesus, and to engage in thought.  Mr. Mangalwadi juxtaposes this determination of the Christian monks to those of the Buddhist monks, who sought to empty their minds of rational thought altogether.

One can see the danger of attempting not to think.  Simply, no progress is made; no technology is born.  Buddhist monks were required to beg for food by their Buddha.  Christian monks worked because the Bible says that those who do not work must not eat.  Daily work is modelled by God; therefore, it must be a worthy pastime.  However, the Lord also says to abide in His words and to obey His commands.   That, too, must be worthy.  In short, for the Christian, thought is good.  Thought is encouraged, as long is it is centered on what is pure, lovely, excellent, praiseworthy, righteous, noble, and true (Philippians 4:8). 

I look forward to continuing to read Mr. Mangalwadi's observations in Truth and Transformation.  It encourages me to continue to seek truth as it is found in God's Word.  It also shows me the danger in allowing New Age mysticism based on the tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism to take root in our country.

Blessings and peace,


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Giving thanks...

It's that time of year when the kids start asking for Christmas presents, and we all start stressing about the Christmas shopping that we have yet to do.  I am trying to keep a thankful attitude, but it is difficult.  What's crazy is that Thanksgiving is next week!  Since when does the Christmas season begin the day after Halloween? 

Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday.  The food is wonderful, the weather in Texas is mild, and my family is all together.  As I get older, I notice that the season of giving thanks gets shorter and shorter.  I am determining to be thankful this evening, and to that end, I've made a list of  a few things that I am thankful for.  Perhaps you'll make your own.

I am thankful for:

Four healthy children.
A husband who loves me.
A loving church.
My parents.
My brother and his family.
My home.
My dog (read "dawg").
Difficulties and challenges.
My country.
Most of all, I am thankful that God loved me so much that He sent His one and only Son to die on the Cross so that I might have everlasting life simply be believing in Him (John 3:16) and giving my life to Him.

What are you thankful for?



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Retreat and Declaring God's Word Fearlessly

I have been remiss in my posting lately. Chalk it up to my work on the upcoming fall retreat, I suppose.  I look forward to sharing the message of love and unity as declared by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians this upcoming weekend.  I have been studying Ephesians since late March/early April or so, and I feel a sense of expectation similar to the birth of a child.  I met with Pastor Mark today, and he had some words of encouragement and suggestion for me. I am really feeling the sense of elation that comes from hearing a good word from a person with authority, whom I also respect a great deal.

So, from the words of Paul in the mighty book of Ephesians, here is what I am asking you to pray:  "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,....Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should."  Ephesians 6:19-20

May God's richest blessings flow over you,


Monday, October 19, 2009

Our guilt has reached the heavens...

"O my God, I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to you, my God, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens."  Ezra 9:6

FBC of The Colony is going through 40 Days of Prayer, to humble ourselves before God.  Today is day 6.  I read the above passage from Ezra, along with today's prayer:  "Pray that God's people would assume responsibility for the moral and spiritual erosion of our nation and our world."  I have been meditating on this today, and it has troubled me.  At first, it was hard to pray this on a personal level.  It's like saying that I caused marriages to end in divorce, babies to be aborted, children to be abused, and on and on.  That's hard stuff.  The more I thought about it, though, the more convinced I was of the righteousness of this prayer.

Essentially, it's admitting that as a people and as a nation, we are sinful.  Our guilt has reached the heavens, as Ezra says.  I came to view this prayer as an admission that, though I did not cause the sins of the nation, I recognize the sins of the nation and confess them on behalf of my people.  It is a prayer of confession and acceptance of responsibility.  It is acknowledging our corporate sin, my personal acceptance of that sin, and my repentance of it.  Though the sin did not originate with me, I want it to end with me.  I want to renounce the curse for the generations that follow.  



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Retreat update

Whew!  Only 5 more weeks until the retreat!  I spent today working on writing my retreat lessons.  This portion of the retreat is very stressful for me--writing the words that are swirling around in my head, and getting prepared for speaking them!  I have to say, though, that I feel much lighter since lesson 1 is down on the page, and the learner's guide is done! 

Now, only two more lessons to go! 

Blessings and peace,


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Though the Mountains Be Shaken

I just got back from the mountains of Northern California/Nevada.  My husband and I, along with friends from church, went to Lake Tahoe for a few days.  We enjoyed the time away from the daily routine, and enjoyed seeing the sights of the area.  In my lifetime thus far, I have had very few opportunities to visit the mountainous regions of the great country in which we live.  I'll admit that driving up into the mountains was intimidating, but I enjoyed my time there nonetheless.

I couldn't help but think of words of the Lord in Isaiah 54:10: 
" 'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you."

Though those beautiful, mighty mountains could fall into dust, God's love will never fail and He will never remove His covenant of peace from me.  I am so glad.

Praise His Holy and Precious Name,


Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Afar

As we close our 30 days of prayer for Muslims around the world, we lift up the Afar people in the Horn of Africa.  The Afar are a warrior people who live a nomadic existence, crossing the hottest areas on the earth.  The Gospel is being heard by the Afar, due to Christian radio ministry and the prayers of Ethiopian believers.

Pray for the radio production team and their many listeners in this area.  Pray that the hearts of listeners would be open to the Gospel message.  Pray for the communities of faith that are developing in this region, and pray that new communities of believers will be established.

Thank you, Lord, for opening my heart and mind to pray for Muslims around the world.  I pray that I will be ever mindful to pray that your Gospel would be made known.

In Jesus' Name,

Blessings and peace,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

True Reconciliation From True Love

The only way that true reconciliation can occur in the Middle East-or anywhere--is through the love of Christ.  Pray that the transforming love of God will bring lasting change and peace in the Middle East.  Pray for breakthroughs in reconciliation and deepening love and respect among Jews and Arabs.  Pray for the peace and reconciliation through Christ to occur in Israel and Palestine. 

Scriptures to pray:  1 John 4:12, 19; Matthew 5:9; Ephesians 2:14; and 2 Peter 3:13.

Blessings and peace,


Friday, September 18, 2009

Islam's TV representatives

One of the things that keeps people apart is misunderstanding.  Oftentimes, Muslims are portrayed as extremists, which is unfair to the majority of Muslims who are hard-working, decent, hopeful people.  We must resist the temptation to view all Muslims in one way, according to stereotype.  Pray for TV personalities, such as Amr Khaled, Mustafa Hosni, Moez Masoud, or Ahmad al-Shugairi, that God will use them in a positive way to change Middle Eastern society for the better.  Pray that they and their listeners  discover the Lord in a profound way. 

Pray for Christians in the Middle East experiencing oppression under Islam.  Pray that an explosion of new spiritual life among believers across the entire Middle East will enable them to be ministers of the Gospel to Muslims.

Blessings and peace,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pray for Malaysia

Pray for the nation of Malaysia, in Southeast Asia.  Lift up the new believers there and that the Lord will make His presence known to the Malay people through dreams and visions.  Pray that the recently completed contextualized Malay language Scriptures would be distributed, and that God will equip ministers of the Gospel to take His message to the people there.

Blessings and peace,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Night of Power

Depending on where they are located on the earth, some Muslims will spend much of tonight or tomorrow night in prayer.  The Night of Power commemorates the first revelation that Mohammed received in a cave near Mecca.  Many Muslims are open to supernatural events during this time and believe that their prayer requests are granted at this time.  Pray that Muslims will receive a true revelation concerning Jesus Christ as they reach out in prayer.  Pray that God will use supernatural events to reveal Himself in a mighty way to them. Pray for the outpouring of God's compassion on Muslims during this night, that He will have mercy on them.  Pray that any thoughts of self-righteousness through religious activity might be broken. 

All glory to God,


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prayer for Secret Believers

Dear Lord,

We lift up those in Muslim countries who believe in you in secret.  May you strengthen them in their inner being.  I pray that those who hope in you will find encouragement from other believers, and acceptance from local communities of Christians.  Lord, we ask for protection for those who are leaders of believing communities. 

We also ask that you give discernment to local Christian assemblies in predominantly Muslim countries.  Help them to know new believers, and enable them to be a source of refuge and encouragement to those who are discovering new life in Christ.

Lord, we also lift up Abdou of Togo, who has lost his family and has endured many difficulties.  We pray that You would restore to him all that he has lost and pray that you will be his Provider and Comfort.  We lift up other believers in Togo, and ask you to be their Refuge and Source of Strength.

In Jesus' Name,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Prayer for the Muslims of Malegaon, India

Did you know that India has approximately 145 million Muslims?  There are more Muslims in India than in the following countries combined:  Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Quatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Egypt.  Pray for the Muslims in India, particularly those residing in Malegaon.  Pray for the small community of Christians in this city, as they are struggling.  Let us pray for their courage and strength to live out their faith and be a light across the whole city.

Pray also for the hearts of the residents of Malegaon to be opened to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the leaders of the city to be saved.  Pray for enlightenment from God and for understanding.  Pray that more Muslims would be open to receiving information about God.

Blessings and peace,


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Christian Radio in the Middle East

As many of us sit in church, freely listening to Christian songs of praise and worship and sermons, others in the Middle East are being ministered to through Christian radio broadcasts.  However, following up with those interested in the Gospel message is hampered by the religious security authorities in those countries.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide during telephone conversations and meetings with interested radio listeners.   Pray according to Acts 8:26-31.  Pray also that those interested in learning more about Jesus due to the Christian radio broadcasts would be unhindered in receiving Bibles, DVD's, and other helpful material.  Pray for the family members of seekers who could be opposed to listening to Gospel radio and receiving Bible materials.

Pray also for those who are in prison for killing Christians.  One new believer in Tajikistan, Sergi, was gunned down in 2005 while worshipping Christ.  Pray that his murderers would hear and receive the Gospel message while in prison, and that they would learn to love and forgive their enemies.

May God's richest blessings flow over you today,


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jesus Christ, Our Messiah

Jesus is referred to in the Qur'an as the Messiah and as the Word of God.  However, Muslims do not understand these terms, and continue to view Jesus as simply an apostle, or prophet.  Today, let us pray that Muslims all over the world would be inclined to ask questions and to try to understand Jesus' titles, especially "the Word of God" and "Messiah".

Meditate on the following Scriptures:   John 1:1-4, 14 and Matthew 16:13-17.

Pray also for the Burig people of the Kashmir territories of India and Pakistan.  Pray that God would reveal Himself to them in a clear and mighty way.  Many there are torn between their Tibetan heritage and their conversion to Islam.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Friday, September 11, 2009

Pray for Badakshan and the Uyghur People

Lift up in prayer the Badakshan people in the remote Pamir mountains.  There, the Agha Khan  (spiritual leader) is worshipped as a god.  Pray for them to realize that the Agha Khan is merely a man, and not to be worshipped.  Pray also that spiritual blindness there would be lifted and that the spirit of deception would be abolished in Badakshan.  Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout the region. 

Pray also for those few Badakshanis who have become Christians to wisely proclaim Jesus in their communities.  Also, lift up the Uyghur people of western China.  According to  30 Days Ministry, thousands of Muslims all along the Silk Road in Central Asia have become believers in Jesus.  Pray for these new churches to grow and thrive.  Pray for these new believers to have steadfast spirits.

Scripture to meditate on and pray:  Jeremiah 16:19-21.

Blessings and peace to you,


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prayer for Central Asia

Today is day 20 in our 30 days of prayer for Muslims.  It may surprise you, as it did me, that there are a great many Muslims in Central Asia.  Pray for the Gospel to spread across the region of Central Asia.  At the same time, we must also lift up new believers in this area.  Pray for God's protection and strength for Christians in Central Asia, as the governments of these regions are persecuting Christians there.

Lift up those who are in prison, or who face the prospect of prison for their faith.  Pray for spiritual strongholds to be lifted, that the message of Christ might be received.

Scriptures to pray:  Matthew 24:14, 2 Cor. 12:9; Heb. 13:3; Acts 16:23-25.

Thank you for joining me on this prayer journey.  May God richly bless you,


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Split of Islam

As we continue our 30 days of prayer for Muslims around the world, let us consider the split of Islam.  The split occurred due to a fight for power between Mohammed's grandsons, Hussein and Hassan.  These men were the sons of Ali and Fatimah, the beloved daughter of Mohammed.  Ali was considered the first true, infallible Imam of the Islamic empire after Mohammed's death.  Shiite Muslims consider Ali and his two sons to be the rightful successors to Mohammed.  Disagreement over succession eventually split Islam into the Sunni and Shiite branches.  The Shiite movement is prominent in Iraq and Iran.

Pray today for the millions of Muslim men around the world named Ali, Hassan, and Hussein.  Pray that God will reveal Himself to them.  Pray for those who commemmorate the death of Hussein each year with the shedding of their own blood.  Pray that they would see the value of the blood of Jesus.

Scriptures to pray:  Acts 7:56 and 9:1-5 and 1 Peter 1:18-19.

Blessings to you,


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pray for deliverance

The supernatural world is a source of great anxiety for many Muslims worldwide.  Muslims believe in angels, but also in the presence of evil spirits, known to them as Djinn.  We must pray for those tormented by fear to be delivered from it; to turn to saving knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the true deliverer from evil, and has the authority over the spirit world.  Pray for believers to minister to Muslims with regard to spiritual matters. 

Scriptures to pray:  Matthew 8:16, 10:1 and Acts 5:16, 8:17.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Monday, September 7, 2009


Fatimah was the name of Mohammed's daughter, and one of four women that he considered to be perfect. The other three were Khadijah, his first wife; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Asiya, the wife of an ancient Pharaoh. Fatimah was known for her acts of kindness towards the poor and destitute. She bore two sons and two daughters, and was known to be a devoted wife, mother, and daughter. She died in AD 632, shortly after her father.

Perhaps you have heard of the "Hand of Fatimah". This occult object is used as in jewelry as a means to ward off evil spiritual influences, and is named for Mohammed's daughter. Pray for the Fatimah's of the world, that are lost in the Muslim culture and religion. Pray that they will find new life in Jesus. Pray that those who are preoccupied with occultic items will relinquish them, in the manner of Acts 19:18-20.

Blessings and great joy be upon you,


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pray for Northwest Africa

Pray for the Gospel to spread throughout Northwest Africa, specifically in the countries of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.  Pray for the protection of the approximately 50,000 believers in this region of the world.  God is revealing Himself to Algeria through visions, dreams, and supernatural events.  Pray that this continues.

Lift up the Christian media outlets (tv, radio, etc.) in Northwest Africa, that the Gospel would reach the hearts of the people here.  In Tunisia, where proselytising is a criminal offense, pray that the government would lift these restrictions and that believers would be safe from persecution.  Continue to pray for the courage of the believers, and that they would be steadfast in their faith.

Scripture focus for Algeria:  Acts 4:29-31; for Tunisia:  Matthew 6:24-34; for Morocco:  Isaiah 40:9-11 and 52:7.

Have a safe and blessed Labor Day!


The Cross

Pray for Muslims to understand Jesus' death on the cross, and His glorious resurrection.  Pray for believers who will explain Jesus' death as punishment for all of mankind's sins.  Pray for Muslims according to Luke 24:19-26 and Acts 3:13-16.

Blessings and peace,


Friday, September 4, 2009

Pray for the Somalis

Today, our prayer focus is on the Somalis in the USA.  Almost all Somalis in America are refugees from the civil war that has plagued Somalia since 1991.  The Somali people are known for their warm hospitality and deep friendship.  They tend to settle in areas where they have been welcomed, and live in communities where Islam is emphasized.  Somalis, in general, are not open to other beliefs.

Pray that the peace of God would abound amongst the Somali people around the world.  Pray that the civil conflict that threatens to destroy Somalia would cease. Pray that the Somalis in the U.S. would learn of the surpassing value of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 13:44-46).

May God's richest blessings flow over you,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pray for the Iraqi Tribes

Rev. 5:9 tells, us that people of every tribe and tongue will one day be before the throne of God.  Pray for all of the Iraqi tribes, clans, houses, and extended families, that they would turn to God for salvation.  Pray that God will end the bloodshed and suffering of the Iraqi people.  Pray for healing from the pain, and that God would redeem their hurts.   Pray for Iraqi Christians, as many have had to flee the country.

For a list of all of the main tribal confederations in Iraq, please visit

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jesus is more than a prophet

In the Muslim belief system, there are many inaccuracies about Jesus.  Muslims believe that Jesus was a good Muslim and preached an earlier form of Islam.  Pray that the truth about Jesus Christ would be made known to Muslims.  Pray that believers will be able to accurately convey Jesus' life and ministry to Muslims.  

Scripture to meditate on and proclaim in prayer:  Matthew 5:43-48 and Hebrews 1:5-8.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Monday, August 31, 2009

The Khorasani Turks

I am about one third of the way through my 30 days of prayer for Muslim people.  If you are just now reading my posts, I posted how this began here.  Today, I am surprised by how praying for Muslim people groups has awakened my heart to concern for groups of people as yet unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is sad to think that there are places, such as Mashhad in Iran, where simply being a Christian will guarantee a death sentence.

Today's prayer focus is for the Khorasani Turks, a people group living in the northern part of the Khorasan province (northwest of Mashhad).  You may have heard of the Khorasani, as they are known for their exquisite woven rugs, cloth, and carpets.  The Khorasani Turks are 100% Muslim.  Presently, there are no Gospel resources in their own language and no specific effort to implant believing congregations among them.

Pray that God will open doors for Christian businessmen and others to share Christ with the Khorasani Turks.  Ask God to raise up qualified linguists to translate the Bible into the Khorasani language.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pray for Mahshhad in Iran

Pray for the people of Mashhad in Iran, the town where Muslim pilgrims go to visit the tomb of Ali Reza, a descendent of Mohammed. Mashhad is the second largest city in Iran with a population of 2.5 million people. Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be made known here. Pray that God would reveal Himself in a mighty way to the people of this city.

Scriptures to meditate on and proclaim in prayer: Acts 7:55-60, Luke 23:34, Luke 11:4.

May your Sunday be blessed,


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pray for the Mohammeds of the world

Mohammed is revered by all Muslims as the last and greatest prophet. There are many who are named after Mohammed, in honor of him. Lift up those who are named after him, that they would come to know Christ, whose name is above all names. Pray that the millions of Mohammeds in the world would come to have faith in the Messiah (Acts 4:12, Phil. 2:10).

May God's richest blessings be upon you,


Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayer for the Kaili Unde of Indonesia

I am posting our prayer focus today later than usual due to computer problems. Our modem stopped working today, and my husband had to buy a new one. I apologize if you were counting on reading the prayer focus for today earlier in the day.

Today, we focus our prayer upon the Kaili Unde peoples of Indonesia. Most Kaili Unde are dedicated Muslims. What makes the Kaili Unde unique is their mix of Islamic and animistic beliefs. This people group seek healing from the local Dukun, or magic priest. Also, they give offerings to both good and evil spirits when building a new house. In other words, their beliefs are confused.

Pray for the Kaili Unde people to have an openness and willingness to obey the Gospel (Romans 1:5 and 16:26). Pray that they can hear and see the Indonesian Christian radio and tv and that God would reveal Himself to the Kaili Unde through these mediums. Pray that the Bible and Christian material would be translated into their language, and pray that the Kaili Unde would be freed from their enslavement to spirits and that the power of darkness would be broken. Pray that their eyes would be opened to the Truth.

Blessings and peace,


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pray for Healing

Matthew 10:7-8: "As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."

Our prayer for the Muslim world today is that Muslims would become aware of the healing power of Jesus Christ. We must pray that God would empower Christian believers to heal the sick and to assist with the needs of the sick and suffering in Africa and Asia, especially. Let us give thanks for the healings that have taken place in the Muslim world and pray that God would multiply the faith of new believers in these areas.

Scriptures for meditation and focus: Matthew 10:1, 8; Luke 9:2, 10:9.

Blessings and peace,


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pray for the Abdullahs and Aminas

There are many in the Muslim faith named after the prophet Mohammed's parents, Abdullah and Amina. Pray today for the millions of Abdullahs and Aminas around the world, that they would come to know the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Pray specifically that the Abdullahs would discover real freedom as servants of God's anointed King, Jesus. Pray, also, that every woman named Amina would discover that Jesus is the most trustworthy one.

To learn more about the 30 Days ministry to Muslims, visit my previous post here.

Blessings and peace,


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Prayer for Secret Believers

Heavenly Father,

Please protect the secret believers in Jesus Christ, especially those who are facing the possibility of death due to their faith in Your Son. Please open the eyes of the hearts of their family members and make Your Light shine brightly so that they might be irresistably drawn to You. I pray for your provision for these secret believers and their families; allow them to keep their jobs and their homes. I pray that the attitudes of the society around them will accept their newfound faith.

Lord, I ask that the situation of the secret believers will be better known and that believers in Christ all over the world will give them help.

In Your Son's most precious name,


Monday, August 24, 2009

Bless this day, Lord

Today is the first day of school for my oldest three children. My husband took our youngest son to first grade and I took the older two boys to high school and middle school. Afterwards, we called each other to report how our drop-offs had gone. Long before the boys entered the doors of their schools, I was praying for God to bless their first day. So far, so good.

No matter what day it is, I begin each day with prayer. I have specific verses that I claim for my husband, and I ask God to bless him with wisdom and discernment for the decisions he will make that day. For my children, I pray for blessings and for safety, for obedient hearts, for wisdom, and for them to glorify God by their actions. I pray for the concerns of my own heart, for the concerns that I know weigh heavy on the hearts of those dear to me, and for specific things that my friends share with me--job interviews, surgeries, etc. I think that it is important to dedicate each day to God and to center my focus on Him. I think that prayer is the most important aspect of my ministry to my family: Interceding on their behalf.

As we continue our 30 days of prayer for Muslims (to see my beginning post on this topic, go here), pray today for Muslim understanding of Jesus' divinity. Jesus is more than a prophet; He is the Son of God. Muslims object to this title, as they believe it refers to God having sexual relations with Mary. Pray that Muslims have a biblical understanding of this title. Also, be in prayer for the Guhayna people, a Muslim people group that are currently not being reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Blessings and peace,


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Be Holy

The Lord God says in Leviticus 19:2: "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy." We are to be set apart from the world as believers in Jesus Christ. This is important in ministering to people outside of the Christian faith, because many perceive Christianity as part of the Western culture exemplified so often in music, movies, and television. For many Muslims, their perception of Christianity is confused with Hollywood's depraved depiction of materialism, idolatry, and carnality.

Today's prayer focus: Pray that Muslims will be able to meet sincere practising believers and discern how they are different from cultural Christians.

Today's scriptures: Leviticus 19:2, Matthew 5:48, and Romans 12:2.

Go here to see my previous post on the 30 Days Ministry.

May God's richest blessings be upon you,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

30 Days of Prayer for Muslims

Today begins Ramadan. My friend, Cheryl Karanja, a missionary to Kenya, Africa, sent me a prayer booklet sponsored by the ministry 30 Days. This ministry attempts to share the gospel with Muslims throughout the world. Cheryl sent me the booklet in order that I might begin 30 days of prayer and fasting for Muslim people.

I would encourage you to visit, and sign up for e-mail prayer updates. In this way, we can join together in prayer. Today's focus: Our attitudes. Do we sincerely love Muslims? We cannot reach people if we do not love them. Join with me in asking the Lord to reveal to us our unrighteous attitudes, if they exist.

Pray and meditate on: Matthew 19:26, Jeremiah 32:27, and Romans 12:1-2. Also, please pray for Cheryl Karanja as she ministers in Kenya. She is recovering from a very painful sunfly bite (sunfly bites are debilitating). She cares for orphans, so she can use all of the prayers and support that we can send her way!

May God's richest blessings flow over you today,


Friday, August 7, 2009


Did you see that bad word up there? Yes, that's right, accountability. That word is anathema to so many in the Christian world. I have heard often from people that they are accountable to noone but God. While it is true that we are all accountable to God, we are also called to hold one another accountable (Gal. 6:1).

There is a difference between being the morality police in the church or in the community and lovingly restoring someone when they are involved in sinful action. Ultimately, accountability should be protective. If I know that a friend of mine is stealing from work, I should pray and then discuss this with her. Stealing is an offense before God, and also an offense to an employer. It would be wrong to allow someone to do something that jeopardizes her relationship with the Lord, her position at work, and her witness. The ramifications when one person is willfully disobedient to God are often long-lasting, like ripples in a pond.

About a year and a half ago, a friend of mine confronted me about something I had said to a mutual friend. I had shared information that I should not have; in short, I gossiped. I was terribly embarrassed and ashamed of my actions. I had to apologize for what I had said, and knew that it was important to make amends, as well. I vowed to spend time in prayer and to make myself accountable to others who would keep me honest about my speech and language. I have been involved in a prayer and accountability group with two trustworthy friends for some time now. I can honestly say that my speech has been far more God-honoring than it was. That does not mean that I do not face temptation, or that I never sin with my mouth. I have to watch carefully the positions that I put myself in, and be thoughtful about what I say. I begin each day with prayer, that God will "keep my tongue from evil and my lips from deceitful speech" (1 Peter 3:10).

Through the accountability group, the ladies and I now have a deeper, more meaningful friendship. We pray for one another honestly and are cautious about one another's temptations. I honor the trust that my friends have placed in me by not sharing things that are mentioned in our time together to others. Had I known how much I would gain from an accountability group--deeper friendship, spiritual maturity, prayer--I am sure that I would have joined one sooner.

If you are not involved in an accountability group, then consider joining one. It doesn't need to be formal or very big. No more than three people is ideal. Commit to bearing one another's burdens in a healthy, Christ-honoring way. You'll be better for it!

Blessings and peace to you,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Last week, I went to one of our local dollar stores to pick up a few things that I needed. I had all four kids with me, and didn't want to go to one of the large discount stores, because I always wind up spending way more than I should when they're with me. I needed some dishwasher detergent, and was pleased to find that they carried a liquid detergent that was a fraction of the cost of my regular brand. Much to my chagrin, I find that this brand doesn't work as well as my regular brand. I have had to re-wash my dishes a few times now, which defeats the point of spending less on detergent--not to mention the additional water that I've had to use.

Sometimes, things cost more because they are worth more. I am reminded of the movie The Apostle starring Robert Duvall. In this movie, Mr. Duvall plays a wayward Christian, the Apostle E.F. My favorite line in the movie is when E.F. says that "grace is free, but it ain't cheap." To me, this is so true and profound. God's grace--though free--is not cheap. We may attempt to substitute God's gift of grace with other things that seem less costly, but in the end are a poor substitute. No other thing on this earth will fill our hungry souls the way that Christ does. All other things are cheap substitutes that don't last.

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18

Blessings and peace,


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Consider the Lilies...

I am a recovering worrier. When I became a mother almost fourteen years ago, I was stunned to find that with the tremendous love that I felt for my newborn son came a crushing sense of worry and fear for his safety. By the time that I was pregnant with our second son less than two years later, I was a full-blown mess. I was staying at home full-time and had become an insomniac. I would lie away at night, thinking of all of the things that could happen to my husband, my son, or to me. Looking back, it seems so absurd to allow fear to control me. My sweet husband bought me a book called When Mothers Pray that was a tremendous help to me. That book began a journey for me--a journey back to the heart of God.

At some point during this time, someone pointed out to me that in Matthew 6:25, Jesus says,"Do not worry." Since Jesus is God, then when He says not to do something, that means it is a command! It was as though a weight lifted from me. Of course, through the years, there has been a temptation to fall back into my old worrying habits. The book When Mothers Pray taught me some exercises to release my worries to God through prayer, which I still use when I am tempted to worry.

We have a painting above our bed that says, "Consider the lilies." This is a portion of Jesus' words in Matthew 6:25-34. It reminds me to place my trust in Jesus, because He loves me far more than the lilies of the field, and yet He cares for them. I wanted to put this sentiment above me while I lie in bed at night, when the temptation to worry is at its peak.

God bless you, Dear Friend, in whatever situation you find yourself in. May God keep you in His perfect peace, free from the worries that plague us,


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Woman of Valor!

I am leading the Bible study Esther by Beth Moore on Monday nights. This past Monday, during the video session, Beth points out that in Proverbs 31:10, the Hebrew word translated as "noble" in the NIV translation of the Bible is the same word used in Judges 6:12 that is translated as "valor". It means "to be brave". In other words, we may describe the wife of noble character in Proverbs as a brave wife--a woman of courage. I like that, don't you? This confirms to me that we should pursue courage and strength.

Women may be the "weaker partner" (1 Peter 3:7), but that does not mean weakest. Being weaker than something that is very strong does not mean that we have no strength. Additionally, God uses the weak--He declares that "my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). I think that the world may confuse gentility with wimpiness. I also think that women forget that being brave doesn't mean that you have no fear--it means that you press on despite of your fear.

I was encouraged to know that being a woman of virtue is more than being good--it means being a woman of valor!

Blessings and peace,


Monday, June 22, 2009

It's been a while...

I can hardly believe it: It has been over a month since my last post! I do have an excuse, though. I had a total hysterectomy on June 11th. You know how it is, you have something major like this in your life, and you have to get everything prepared so that when you are off of your feet, everyone else's life won't be disrupted. That seems to be what I do, anyway. I am always trying to make sure that those around me have what they need. I don't want the people around me to need me, you understand. I don't think that creating relationships based on a sense of neediness is healthy at all. On the other hand, I do like to have relationships in which the people in my life are supported such that they can do what they need to do.

So, despite going in for major surgery, I set up Bible studies and a tea for our Pastor's sweet wife, Monica, and made sure that the kids had what they needed for mission trip and camp. God bless my parents, my husband, and my sweet women's ministry leaders--everyone just took care of what they were supposed to. So far, everything seems to have gone off without a hitch (if you'd like to see pictures of the tea, visit the Heart 2 Heart website listed in the links section on the right.).

The nicest blessing of this surgery has been the relationships that have grown through my anxiety about the surgery and my needing help. My friend, Michele, often reminds me that she has the gift of helps and that she is blessed when she is given the opportunity to help. She was so sweet before my surgery. She said, "Now am I going to have to call you to ask if you need help, or are you going to tell me now what you need?" How could I say no to that? You know what, I let her help me, and she was blessed. Not just me and my family, but she was blessed, as well. I feel the same way when I am given the opportunity to serve someone. I just love feeling useful. When I know that someone needs help, and I can provide it, I feel purposeful. I appreciate the trust that it requires when someone asks for help, and I honor that.

I have friends that are so good to call, e-mail me, and send me cards of encouragement. It has been a real comfort to know that men and women have been lifting me up to the Lord and are praying for my healing. It is always encouraging to know that I am being prayed for, and I never underestimate the power of prayer.

Thank you to all of my dear sweet friends and prayer warriors who have supported me through this process. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, and pray God's richest blessings on you all.

In Christ,


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amish Friendship Bread

Today was my day to bake. On Wednesdays, I make the desserts for FBC Cafe. Today I made chocolate chip cookies. My friend Michele Green gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread, so I decided to go ahead and bake that, as well. This recipe requires some persistence, because each day for ten days there is something that must be done to the starter to prepare it for its final end product, bread batter. In the process of making the batter, you have to divide a portion of it to make starters for other friends, hence the name.

The idea is intriguing: Before you make the bread, you set aside a portion for someone else. Sound familiar? It is like giving a portion of what we've received to the Lord. The beauty of this bread, and how it further illustrates giving to the Lord (or tithing) is that you start with a small portion of what you've been given and this small portion multiplies and benefits others. What Michele gave me benefits me and my family, and three other families that I will give starters to. We give a portion of what God has given to us, and others receive the benefit of this. Malachi 3:10 says, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

I certainly welcome God's outpouring. To receive it, though, I have to give generously. I could keep all of my Friendship Bread starters for myself, and I would have more bread than I need. But, I don't want to hoard the blessing. I want to pass it along. I would much rather be a conduit of God's blessings than a hoarder of blessings only for myself. It is truly better to give than to receive.

I hope that you'll allow God to use you to bless others. Who wants a slice of Friendship Bread?

Blessings and peace to you,


Monday, May 11, 2009

Newsletter coming soon!

I had the privilege of working on articles for our upcoming newsletter last night. I am so excited by the prospect of our women's ministry having a presence on the world wide web and with having a newsletter to keep everyone informed as to what is going on! I have to say, I feel that this whole media thing is challenging to me, but I feel that it is going to be a good thing for me--to be challenged, I mean. If you check out my profile, you'll notice that I am following several other blogs. What is difficult is figuring out all the gadgets and gizmos that go with this whole thing. I enjoy reading the posts of all the creative ladies out there, and am so impressed with what they are producing with their blogs and websites.

Stay tuned to see what is coming up!

Blessings and peace,


Monday, April 27, 2009

Ladies' Night Out

Our next Ladies' Night Out will be Thursday, May 14 at 5:30-9:00 (come and go) at Valencia Day Spa. Valencia Day Spa is located at 7600 Stonebrook Pkwy, Suite 200 in Frisco, Texas. The cost will be $60 for a 30 minute facial and 30 minute massage, which is an excellent price. This would make a nice Mother's Day gift or treat! Please let me know if you plan to come.

Blessings and peace,


Our High and Holy Calling

Do you view your work as a high and holy calling? You should! No matter what the roles are that you are called to fill, your work should be viewed as sacred--as set apart for God. Oftentimes, the work that women do is de-valued by the world. For example, the work that is traditionally filled by women tends to be paid poorly. Some examples of this would be child care, domestic work, or education. Surely, these jobs are highly valued, for they are the backbone of our society! Perhaps they are not valued by the world, but they are certainly valued by God.

God values the contributions of women because He has created them with dignity and purpose. Genesis 1:27 declares that God created men and women in His own image. Nothing is created without purpose, thus, God has created each and every one of us with purpose. Ultimately, we are all created for God's glory. If I am given the tasks of being a wife and mother, then I am to set about glorifying God in these tasks. For me personally, I am setting out to be the type of wife and mother described in Proverbs 31:10-31, a woman who brings her husband good and not harm, who works hard, and who manages her household affairs well. I hope that my children will declare to others that I am blessed, just as God's Word says in Proverbs 31:28.

Be blessed in your work today, and remember to give glory to God in all that you do.

Blessings and peace to you,


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Ladies' Bible Study on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am

Beginning the first Sunday in May, the 9 AM women's Bible Study group will begin to examine topics pertaining to the Bible and Science including;

The Big Bang Theory, Darwinism, Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Dinosaurs. All from a Biblical World View. We will learn how to defend our faith from those who use certain scientific 'Theories' to deny the deity of Christ. Also, we will see how the ultimate creator, and fine scientist, our Lord wrote scientific facts into the Bible... and some of these are just being proved by modern science! For example, until the time of Christopher Columbus, most people assumed the Earth was flat... well the Bible states in Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,

Any way, please feel free to join us in this interesting study. I (Bethan) will be leading it, and I am an Earth Scientist by trade... so this has been a very exciting, interesting, and challenging study to put together.


True Woman Manifesto

Today was an interesting day. Wednesdays are my one day to get errands run and doctors appointments managed without the children. On my way to an appointment, I had the opportunity to listen to the radio program "Revive Our Hearts" with Nancy Lee DeMoss and Holly Elliff. They were discussing how the role of mothers has been devalued in our society, progressively and due to the feminist movement. What really got me hooked was something that Ms. Elliff related:

"Ann Crittendon says this. She was a feminist author/publicist who decided to have children. She said the first thing that surprised her was how creative she had to be, what a huge task it was, and how demanding it was. This was a woman who had spent her life in the secular world, in the workforce, and she was appalled at what was required of her to be a mother to her kids. She says:
'The second surprise came when I realized how little my former world seemed to understand or care about the complex reality I was discovering. The dominant culture of which I had been part considered child rearing unskilled labor if it considered child rearing at all. No one was stating the obvious.
If human abilities are the ultimate fount of economic progress, as many economists now agree, and if those abilities are nurtured or stunted in the early years, then mothers and other caregivers of the young are the most important producers in the economy. They do have literally the most important job in the world.' "(emphasis added)

As a stay-home mom and part-time mother's day out teacher, I can tell you that mothering is important and that children are valuable. Certainly, I believe that God is the Giver and Sustainer of life; therefore, if He entrusts my children's lives to me, He values my service as a mother. How grateful I am that God gives me the opportunity to be a parent. I do not take this for granted--ever. It is humbling, also, to realize that God has entrusted me with children and expects me to serve them, just as though I am serving Him!

I sought out the radio program on the internet when I got home. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Ms. De Moss has also begun a True Woman Movement, designed to counter the feminist, anti-God movement. I also signed the True Woman Manifesto, and encourage you to do the same. Go to or for more information. You can listen to the "Revive Our Hearts" Program and listen to some of the messages from the 2008 True Woman Conference.

Blessings and joy,


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Show Me You Love Me, Lord

On Monday, I asked God to show me that He loved me. On Tuesday, I felt His love. It covered me in a warm embrace and I have sensed it everyday this week since. I felt God's love on Tuesday in the smiles and laughter of the little children that I teach at MDO. In a busy, busy week, God has showered me with affection through the blessings of fellowship with others, through unexpected blessings, through mercy and provision, and through the opportunity to serve Him. Yes, I did say that God showed me His love through my service to Him.

I am constantly in awe that the Creator of the Universe would allow me, an imperfect, hot-tempered gal, to serve Him. God knows what I struggle with. He knows when I am disobedient and hard-headed and, yet, He loves me still. And, He allows me to represent Him in service when I have no right to. He lets me love on little children and minister to parents. He lets me be a shoulder for a hurting woman to cry on. He lets me read His Word with understanding, and then He lets me--Me!--teach His Word to others. Best of all, He lets me serve Him moment by moment as a stay-home Mom.

And, as if this were not enough, the Most High God gives me so much: Four beautiful, healthy children. A husband who loves and supports me and who does an excellent imitation of Grover from Sesame Street. Great parents. A pretty cool brother, who happens to be married to the sweetest lady. Nephews and a niece. Friends--oh, my goodness--such wonderful friends! God has blessed me with health and talent, and a love for others that can only come from Him. There is no way that I am capable of loving people the way that I do without Him. I could write a book about all of the things that I am thankful for. Suffice it to say, that God is far better to me than I deserve. Thank you, Lord.

Driving home from Rocket Car Challenge at church this evening, I felt God's love again. It had been a great day, and the sun was shining gloriously. Every person I passed smiled at me as I drove the streets on the way home. That in itself is a rare thing. I knew that those smiles were from God!

Blessings and peace to you,


Psalm 147:1: "Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holy is the Lord

"And they were calling to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.' " Isaiah 6:3

Isaiah chapter 6 describes Isaiah's vision of the Lord, and his calling to be God's prophet to Israel. When Isaiah comes face-to-face with the holiness of God, he cries out in his despair, "Woe to me!" He confesses that he is a "man of unclean lips...among a people of unclean lips." He sees that his own unrighteousness means that he has no right to stand in the presence of the Most High God. God's response was to forgive his sins and to offer Isaiah the opportunity to serve Him. Isaiah's response is so elegant: "Here am I. Send me!"

I had the opportunity to go up to the youth area, the Harbor, this afternoon when I got off of work at preschool. This past weekend was Disciple Now at our church, and the theme of the weekend was "Holiness". The youth listened to lessons about the holiness of God, and the events of the weekend culminated in a time of reflection on Saturday night, when the kids were permitted to offer up their reflections of the messages that they had heard over the course of D-Now. As I walked around the room reading the reflections written on the paper covering the walls, I was struck by how similar to Isaiah's response that the young people's responses were. Some were confessions of their own sins and unrighteousness. Some were praises and expressions of thanksgiving for God's goodness and mercy in their young lives. Some were vows of commitment based on their newfound understanding of God's Holiness.

What a tremendous gift to the young people of FBC of The Colony; to be given a glimpse of the Holiness of God. It is also important to remember that the only way that broken, unrighteous people like myself are permitted to be in relationship to the Most High God is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A righteous response to God is to confess our sins and to turn from them and to seek forgiveness through Jesus.

This week, I hope you'll take some time to reflect on God's holiness. Be sure to thank God for His unending mercy and grace.

Grace and peace to you,


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fall retreat

Our Heart 2 Heart Women's Ministry Fall retreat is scheduled for November 6-8 at Prothro Center in Pottsboro, TX. Our last two fall retreats have been there, and it is lovely and comfortable and peaceful there. The Prothro Center occupies land overlooking Lake Texoma, and fortunately, it is only about an hour and twenty minutes from FBC. The food is good, and the staff are kind. If you haven't been there before, you will be pleasantly surprised. It's a nice getaway.

For this year's retreat, I am working on a theme that I am not quite ready to unveil publicly. God had laid some things on my heart, and I am working on putting all of these things together. I am excited, because so far, this year's retreat will be different than anything we've ever done. That's all I'll say about that.

The costs have increased this year, and so the ticket prices reflect a modest increase per person. You'll find that it is still a good value for your money: $165 per person for quad occupancy room; $170 per person for triple; $180 per person for double; and $190 per person for single. There will only be a few ( like maybe 5 at the most) single rooms available. There are limited spots available, so I need to know soon if you are coming. We have to send our deposit in April 1 to confirm our reservation. We are asking for a $40 deposit to hold your spot.

Deposits should be made out to FBC of The Colony, with "women's fall retreat" in the memo. If you pay cash, just be sure to include a note telling Donna where the money needs to go. You may drop off your deposit to Donna at the church office, or to me, Penny Frantz, or Michele Green. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Blessings and peace,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

What do you fear?

I am doing research for our upcoming fall retreat. Yes, I realize that it is March 1, but it takes me months of research in preparation for our retreat message. I would like to know: What is your greatest fear? Take the poll on the page, or comment with your greatest fear, or fears.


Ministry in the Modern Age

Recently, I received an article from Lifeway about using media to maximize the impact of women's ministry. The article discussed how women's ministries are utilizing blogs to inform their members of what's going on in the ministry and to foster a sense of community amongst its members. This is my first foray into blogging, and I am hoping that this will be a way to keep participants in Heart 2 Heart Women's Ministry up-to-date regarding Bible studies, prayer groups, fellowships, and retreats. My goal is to post online devotionals, and to post the submissions from the leaders of Heart 2 Heart, as well as the members. I hope to post at least twice a week, so check back often for updates.

Grace and peace,
