Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Afar

As we close our 30 days of prayer for Muslims around the world, we lift up the Afar people in the Horn of Africa.  The Afar are a warrior people who live a nomadic existence, crossing the hottest areas on the earth.  The Gospel is being heard by the Afar, due to Christian radio ministry and the prayers of Ethiopian believers.

Pray for the radio production team and their many listeners in this area.  Pray that the hearts of listeners would be open to the Gospel message.  Pray for the communities of faith that are developing in this region, and pray that new communities of believers will be established.

Thank you, Lord, for opening my heart and mind to pray for Muslims around the world.  I pray that I will be ever mindful to pray that your Gospel would be made known.

In Jesus' Name,

Blessings and peace,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

True Reconciliation From True Love

The only way that true reconciliation can occur in the Middle East-or anywhere--is through the love of Christ.  Pray that the transforming love of God will bring lasting change and peace in the Middle East.  Pray for breakthroughs in reconciliation and deepening love and respect among Jews and Arabs.  Pray for the peace and reconciliation through Christ to occur in Israel and Palestine. 

Scriptures to pray:  1 John 4:12, 19; Matthew 5:9; Ephesians 2:14; and 2 Peter 3:13.

Blessings and peace,


Friday, September 18, 2009

Islam's TV representatives

One of the things that keeps people apart is misunderstanding.  Oftentimes, Muslims are portrayed as extremists, which is unfair to the majority of Muslims who are hard-working, decent, hopeful people.  We must resist the temptation to view all Muslims in one way, according to stereotype.  Pray for TV personalities, such as Amr Khaled, Mustafa Hosni, Moez Masoud, or Ahmad al-Shugairi, that God will use them in a positive way to change Middle Eastern society for the better.  Pray that they and their listeners  discover the Lord in a profound way. 

Pray for Christians in the Middle East experiencing oppression under Islam.  Pray that an explosion of new spiritual life among believers across the entire Middle East will enable them to be ministers of the Gospel to Muslims.

Blessings and peace,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pray for Malaysia

Pray for the nation of Malaysia, in Southeast Asia.  Lift up the new believers there and that the Lord will make His presence known to the Malay people through dreams and visions.  Pray that the recently completed contextualized Malay language Scriptures would be distributed, and that God will equip ministers of the Gospel to take His message to the people there.

Blessings and peace,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Night of Power

Depending on where they are located on the earth, some Muslims will spend much of tonight or tomorrow night in prayer.  The Night of Power commemorates the first revelation that Mohammed received in a cave near Mecca.  Many Muslims are open to supernatural events during this time and believe that their prayer requests are granted at this time.  Pray that Muslims will receive a true revelation concerning Jesus Christ as they reach out in prayer.  Pray that God will use supernatural events to reveal Himself in a mighty way to them. Pray for the outpouring of God's compassion on Muslims during this night, that He will have mercy on them.  Pray that any thoughts of self-righteousness through religious activity might be broken. 

All glory to God,


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prayer for Secret Believers

Dear Lord,

We lift up those in Muslim countries who believe in you in secret.  May you strengthen them in their inner being.  I pray that those who hope in you will find encouragement from other believers, and acceptance from local communities of Christians.  Lord, we ask for protection for those who are leaders of believing communities. 

We also ask that you give discernment to local Christian assemblies in predominantly Muslim countries.  Help them to know new believers, and enable them to be a source of refuge and encouragement to those who are discovering new life in Christ.

Lord, we also lift up Abdou of Togo, who has lost his family and has endured many difficulties.  We pray that You would restore to him all that he has lost and pray that you will be his Provider and Comfort.  We lift up other believers in Togo, and ask you to be their Refuge and Source of Strength.

In Jesus' Name,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Prayer for the Muslims of Malegaon, India

Did you know that India has approximately 145 million Muslims?  There are more Muslims in India than in the following countries combined:  Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Quatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Egypt.  Pray for the Muslims in India, particularly those residing in Malegaon.  Pray for the small community of Christians in this city, as they are struggling.  Let us pray for their courage and strength to live out their faith and be a light across the whole city.

Pray also for the hearts of the residents of Malegaon to be opened to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the leaders of the city to be saved.  Pray for enlightenment from God and for understanding.  Pray that more Muslims would be open to receiving information about God.

Blessings and peace,


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Christian Radio in the Middle East

As many of us sit in church, freely listening to Christian songs of praise and worship and sermons, others in the Middle East are being ministered to through Christian radio broadcasts.  However, following up with those interested in the Gospel message is hampered by the religious security authorities in those countries.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide during telephone conversations and meetings with interested radio listeners.   Pray according to Acts 8:26-31.  Pray also that those interested in learning more about Jesus due to the Christian radio broadcasts would be unhindered in receiving Bibles, DVD's, and other helpful material.  Pray for the family members of seekers who could be opposed to listening to Gospel radio and receiving Bible materials.

Pray also for those who are in prison for killing Christians.  One new believer in Tajikistan, Sergi, was gunned down in 2005 while worshipping Christ.  Pray that his murderers would hear and receive the Gospel message while in prison, and that they would learn to love and forgive their enemies.

May God's richest blessings flow over you today,


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jesus Christ, Our Messiah

Jesus is referred to in the Qur'an as the Messiah and as the Word of God.  However, Muslims do not understand these terms, and continue to view Jesus as simply an apostle, or prophet.  Today, let us pray that Muslims all over the world would be inclined to ask questions and to try to understand Jesus' titles, especially "the Word of God" and "Messiah".

Meditate on the following Scriptures:   John 1:1-4, 14 and Matthew 16:13-17.

Pray also for the Burig people of the Kashmir territories of India and Pakistan.  Pray that God would reveal Himself to them in a clear and mighty way.  Many there are torn between their Tibetan heritage and their conversion to Islam.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Friday, September 11, 2009

Pray for Badakshan and the Uyghur People

Lift up in prayer the Badakshan people in the remote Pamir mountains.  There, the Agha Khan  (spiritual leader) is worshipped as a god.  Pray for them to realize that the Agha Khan is merely a man, and not to be worshipped.  Pray also that spiritual blindness there would be lifted and that the spirit of deception would be abolished in Badakshan.  Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout the region. 

Pray also for those few Badakshanis who have become Christians to wisely proclaim Jesus in their communities.  Also, lift up the Uyghur people of western China.  According to  30 Days Ministry, thousands of Muslims all along the Silk Road in Central Asia have become believers in Jesus.  Pray for these new churches to grow and thrive.  Pray for these new believers to have steadfast spirits.

Scripture to meditate on and pray:  Jeremiah 16:19-21.

Blessings and peace to you,


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prayer for Central Asia

Today is day 20 in our 30 days of prayer for Muslims.  It may surprise you, as it did me, that there are a great many Muslims in Central Asia.  Pray for the Gospel to spread across the region of Central Asia.  At the same time, we must also lift up new believers in this area.  Pray for God's protection and strength for Christians in Central Asia, as the governments of these regions are persecuting Christians there.

Lift up those who are in prison, or who face the prospect of prison for their faith.  Pray for spiritual strongholds to be lifted, that the message of Christ might be received.

Scriptures to pray:  Matthew 24:14, 2 Cor. 12:9; Heb. 13:3; Acts 16:23-25.

Thank you for joining me on this prayer journey.  May God richly bless you,


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Split of Islam

As we continue our 30 days of prayer for Muslims around the world, let us consider the split of Islam.  The split occurred due to a fight for power between Mohammed's grandsons, Hussein and Hassan.  These men were the sons of Ali and Fatimah, the beloved daughter of Mohammed.  Ali was considered the first true, infallible Imam of the Islamic empire after Mohammed's death.  Shiite Muslims consider Ali and his two sons to be the rightful successors to Mohammed.  Disagreement over succession eventually split Islam into the Sunni and Shiite branches.  The Shiite movement is prominent in Iraq and Iran.

Pray today for the millions of Muslim men around the world named Ali, Hassan, and Hussein.  Pray that God will reveal Himself to them.  Pray for those who commemmorate the death of Hussein each year with the shedding of their own blood.  Pray that they would see the value of the blood of Jesus.

Scriptures to pray:  Acts 7:56 and 9:1-5 and 1 Peter 1:18-19.

Blessings to you,


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pray for deliverance

The supernatural world is a source of great anxiety for many Muslims worldwide.  Muslims believe in angels, but also in the presence of evil spirits, known to them as Djinn.  We must pray for those tormented by fear to be delivered from it; to turn to saving knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the true deliverer from evil, and has the authority over the spirit world.  Pray for believers to minister to Muslims with regard to spiritual matters. 

Scriptures to pray:  Matthew 8:16, 10:1 and Acts 5:16, 8:17.

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Monday, September 7, 2009


Fatimah was the name of Mohammed's daughter, and one of four women that he considered to be perfect. The other three were Khadijah, his first wife; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Asiya, the wife of an ancient Pharaoh. Fatimah was known for her acts of kindness towards the poor and destitute. She bore two sons and two daughters, and was known to be a devoted wife, mother, and daughter. She died in AD 632, shortly after her father.

Perhaps you have heard of the "Hand of Fatimah". This occult object is used as in jewelry as a means to ward off evil spiritual influences, and is named for Mohammed's daughter. Pray for the Fatimah's of the world, that are lost in the Muslim culture and religion. Pray that they will find new life in Jesus. Pray that those who are preoccupied with occultic items will relinquish them, in the manner of Acts 19:18-20.

Blessings and great joy be upon you,


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pray for Northwest Africa

Pray for the Gospel to spread throughout Northwest Africa, specifically in the countries of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.  Pray for the protection of the approximately 50,000 believers in this region of the world.  God is revealing Himself to Algeria through visions, dreams, and supernatural events.  Pray that this continues.

Lift up the Christian media outlets (tv, radio, etc.) in Northwest Africa, that the Gospel would reach the hearts of the people here.  In Tunisia, where proselytising is a criminal offense, pray that the government would lift these restrictions and that believers would be safe from persecution.  Continue to pray for the courage of the believers, and that they would be steadfast in their faith.

Scripture focus for Algeria:  Acts 4:29-31; for Tunisia:  Matthew 6:24-34; for Morocco:  Isaiah 40:9-11 and 52:7.

Have a safe and blessed Labor Day!


The Cross

Pray for Muslims to understand Jesus' death on the cross, and His glorious resurrection.  Pray for believers who will explain Jesus' death as punishment for all of mankind's sins.  Pray for Muslims according to Luke 24:19-26 and Acts 3:13-16.

Blessings and peace,


Friday, September 4, 2009

Pray for the Somalis

Today, our prayer focus is on the Somalis in the USA.  Almost all Somalis in America are refugees from the civil war that has plagued Somalia since 1991.  The Somali people are known for their warm hospitality and deep friendship.  They tend to settle in areas where they have been welcomed, and live in communities where Islam is emphasized.  Somalis, in general, are not open to other beliefs.

Pray that the peace of God would abound amongst the Somali people around the world.  Pray that the civil conflict that threatens to destroy Somalia would cease. Pray that the Somalis in the U.S. would learn of the surpassing value of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 13:44-46).

May God's richest blessings flow over you,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pray for the Iraqi Tribes

Rev. 5:9 tells, us that people of every tribe and tongue will one day be before the throne of God.  Pray for all of the Iraqi tribes, clans, houses, and extended families, that they would turn to God for salvation.  Pray that God will end the bloodshed and suffering of the Iraqi people.  Pray for healing from the pain, and that God would redeem their hurts.   Pray for Iraqi Christians, as many have had to flee the country.

For a list of all of the main tribal confederations in Iraq, please visit

Blessings and peace be upon you,


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jesus is more than a prophet

In the Muslim belief system, there are many inaccuracies about Jesus.  Muslims believe that Jesus was a good Muslim and preached an earlier form of Islam.  Pray that the truth about Jesus Christ would be made known to Muslims.  Pray that believers will be able to accurately convey Jesus' life and ministry to Muslims.  

Scripture to meditate on and proclaim in prayer:  Matthew 5:43-48 and Hebrews 1:5-8.

Blessings and peace be upon you,
