Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Sneak Peek at the Fall Retreat!

Yesterday, Jennifer Nelson, Allison Perry, and me and three of my children went down to Lakeview Conference Center in Waxahachie.  This is the site of our Heart 2 Heart Women's Ministry fall retreat.  For the past three years, we have gone to Prothro Center in Pottsboro, but I found this facility a couple of years ago and had wanted to try it out. We went to check out our rooms and the amenities of the facility, and we were not disappointed.  One of the comments that we heard from the ladies in the past is that they wanted more outdoor/physical activities.  I am pleased to report that we will have lots of activities for those of you who want more physical challenges.  For those of you who want to relax and take a nap--well, those rooms are pretty nice, too!

Let's start our tour, shall we?
This is McDonnell Lodge, where we will be staying.  We will also be having our lessons in the Lone Star room on the second floor.  You'll register here, in the common room directly across from those main doors you see under the porte cochere'.

Here is one view of the common room.  You'll notice a kitchen to the right of the television, in case you'd like a little snack. 

Jesse and Lily have graciously offered to model in one of the rooms, to show you the comfort of the beds.  As you can see, the rooms have queen size beds, so if you plan to share with more than one friend, make sure you're ok with sharing a bed. : )

Hungry?  This is Bridges Dining Hall, where we will be enjoying our meals together. 

And here is the inside of Bridges Dining Hall.  They've re-done this space, and as you can see, the buffet line is generous.  I hear the food's good, too!

Want more?  In my next post, I'll preview some of the outdoor areas and the activity center.  I'll also give you a little more information on what we'll have going on at the retreat.  Don't forget to register!  We are over half full already.  The retreat will be October 8-10, so the weather should be nice.  Even if it isn't, we'll still have lots of options.  To register, simply sign up at the women's ministry bulletin board in the main hallway near the restrooms.  You can also pick up a registration form at the welcome center.  Or, contact me and I will send you the forms you need.  Don't miss it!

May God's richest blessings flow over you,


Friday, July 23, 2010

Serving With Love--and a Smile

"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3.

I was just blessed.  Not in the usual way--not by someone giving me a gift or telling me something encouraging.  I saw something that blessed me greatly, because it blessed the Lord.  Today, the kids came back from youth camp, and I went to the church to pick them up and to participate in the parent meeting that always occurs after the kids return.  After the meeting, my children and I left to go get some lunch.  On the way out, I passed by Becky Boydston, who was bringing in the food and supplies for the church breakfast this Sunday morning.  Some of the young men were helping her unload the things to take into the kitchen, and as I sat in my car to prepare to leave, I saw the most extraordinary thing:  She was beaming--smiling radiantly--as she unloaded the eggs and fresh fruit. She had obviously just been to a warehouse store and had bought blueberries, strawberries, and cantaloupe, and the biggest box of eggs I've seen, among other things. And yet, I could tell that she was so happy to be serving the Lord.  She was happy to be shopping and preparing for our breakfast!  Love was all over Becky as she was working, and her countenance conveyed it.

Now, why did this bless me?  Because I have seen--too often--folks serving in the church with an unhappy, unloving attitude.  It is clear from their words, actions, and countenance that their service to the church is a chore.  1 Corinthians 13:3 tells us that if we give away everything that we have to feed the hungry and surrender our bodies to death for any other reason but for love, that we gain nothing.  All of our service, all of our surrender, means nothing if we don't have love.  Unfortunately, the people that we serve see when we don't love them, and that is a dire thing, indeed.

As wives and mothers, our mission fields are often our homes.  How many of us can honestly say that we shop for necessities and prepare meals with a loving attitude and a radiant countenance?  Well, Becky's attitude is convicting to me, as well as a blessing to me.  I should always be a smiling, shining example of God's love--most especially to the people who are most precious to me, my family.  I pray that when I am shopping and when I am preparing, that I will radiate God's love.  I pray that when I am serving, others will see the love of God all over me and will feel it from me, as well.

If you haven't heard, this Sunday, July 25, we will be having breakfast from 8:30 to 8:50.  Please come and have fellowship with us, and bring a friend.  Becky is working hard on the breakfast, so be sure and give her a word of encouragement when you see her.  Smile when you say your good word.  I guarantee she'll smile back.

May God's richest blessings flow over you,
