Monday, April 27, 2009

Ladies' Night Out

Our next Ladies' Night Out will be Thursday, May 14 at 5:30-9:00 (come and go) at Valencia Day Spa. Valencia Day Spa is located at 7600 Stonebrook Pkwy, Suite 200 in Frisco, Texas. The cost will be $60 for a 30 minute facial and 30 minute massage, which is an excellent price. This would make a nice Mother's Day gift or treat! Please let me know if you plan to come.

Blessings and peace,


Our High and Holy Calling

Do you view your work as a high and holy calling? You should! No matter what the roles are that you are called to fill, your work should be viewed as sacred--as set apart for God. Oftentimes, the work that women do is de-valued by the world. For example, the work that is traditionally filled by women tends to be paid poorly. Some examples of this would be child care, domestic work, or education. Surely, these jobs are highly valued, for they are the backbone of our society! Perhaps they are not valued by the world, but they are certainly valued by God.

God values the contributions of women because He has created them with dignity and purpose. Genesis 1:27 declares that God created men and women in His own image. Nothing is created without purpose, thus, God has created each and every one of us with purpose. Ultimately, we are all created for God's glory. If I am given the tasks of being a wife and mother, then I am to set about glorifying God in these tasks. For me personally, I am setting out to be the type of wife and mother described in Proverbs 31:10-31, a woman who brings her husband good and not harm, who works hard, and who manages her household affairs well. I hope that my children will declare to others that I am blessed, just as God's Word says in Proverbs 31:28.

Be blessed in your work today, and remember to give glory to God in all that you do.

Blessings and peace to you,


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Ladies' Bible Study on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am

Beginning the first Sunday in May, the 9 AM women's Bible Study group will begin to examine topics pertaining to the Bible and Science including;

The Big Bang Theory, Darwinism, Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Dinosaurs. All from a Biblical World View. We will learn how to defend our faith from those who use certain scientific 'Theories' to deny the deity of Christ. Also, we will see how the ultimate creator, and fine scientist, our Lord wrote scientific facts into the Bible... and some of these are just being proved by modern science! For example, until the time of Christopher Columbus, most people assumed the Earth was flat... well the Bible states in Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,

Any way, please feel free to join us in this interesting study. I (Bethan) will be leading it, and I am an Earth Scientist by trade... so this has been a very exciting, interesting, and challenging study to put together.


True Woman Manifesto

Today was an interesting day. Wednesdays are my one day to get errands run and doctors appointments managed without the children. On my way to an appointment, I had the opportunity to listen to the radio program "Revive Our Hearts" with Nancy Lee DeMoss and Holly Elliff. They were discussing how the role of mothers has been devalued in our society, progressively and due to the feminist movement. What really got me hooked was something that Ms. Elliff related:

"Ann Crittendon says this. She was a feminist author/publicist who decided to have children. She said the first thing that surprised her was how creative she had to be, what a huge task it was, and how demanding it was. This was a woman who had spent her life in the secular world, in the workforce, and she was appalled at what was required of her to be a mother to her kids. She says:
'The second surprise came when I realized how little my former world seemed to understand or care about the complex reality I was discovering. The dominant culture of which I had been part considered child rearing unskilled labor if it considered child rearing at all. No one was stating the obvious.
If human abilities are the ultimate fount of economic progress, as many economists now agree, and if those abilities are nurtured or stunted in the early years, then mothers and other caregivers of the young are the most important producers in the economy. They do have literally the most important job in the world.' "(emphasis added)

As a stay-home mom and part-time mother's day out teacher, I can tell you that mothering is important and that children are valuable. Certainly, I believe that God is the Giver and Sustainer of life; therefore, if He entrusts my children's lives to me, He values my service as a mother. How grateful I am that God gives me the opportunity to be a parent. I do not take this for granted--ever. It is humbling, also, to realize that God has entrusted me with children and expects me to serve them, just as though I am serving Him!

I sought out the radio program on the internet when I got home. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Ms. De Moss has also begun a True Woman Movement, designed to counter the feminist, anti-God movement. I also signed the True Woman Manifesto, and encourage you to do the same. Go to or for more information. You can listen to the "Revive Our Hearts" Program and listen to some of the messages from the 2008 True Woman Conference.

Blessings and joy,
